A summary of the automotive labour market

The content of the report is generated from Emsi data, which gives a view of industry occupations in: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Data is updated annually, so the most recent full year is 2020.

Emsi data gives us a full, contextualised view of the labour market, covering all 563 industry and 369 occupation classifications across all regions of the country, which has enabled us to examine the automotive sector through both a subsector (industry) and occupation lens. The report outlines historical trends, skills demand and, seeks to predict some future trends for the sector. This means that we are able to drill down to the most specific (SIC and SOC), at National, Government Office Region, County/Unitary Authority and Local Authority levels.

In addition, staffing patterns allow us to see the occupational make up of any industry for any area, whilst staffing patterns allow us to pick any occupation and identify the industries that employ people in this role. The data is created from a collection of nine Government sources, and describes labour market conditions across Britain. For the purpose of this report, we have used Government Office Region for regional analysis.

Read the full report here>> UK Automotive Sector Baseline Report 2021


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